First Blog Seventh Try

Kid-Epics is announcing our new website completely redesigned but residing and refocused at the same cyber-address: We are inviting you to come visit, explore and interact with us.  We hope we’ve created a place for people to get together, share creative ideas, and learn about emotional healing, especially of children who have suffered from trauma or adverse events.  

  At Kid-Epics, we wish to help individuals and families find wholehearted connectedness in their lives through imaginative expressions. It is our intent to teach how to increase success, co-operation and love in families and schools, and provide a place for discussion and mutual support along our personal paths.

Through the focus on emotional understanding, our wish is to encourage interaction with our blog and to be available to answer questions or just talk things over; minimizing classroom and family disruption while providing positive interventions.

In addition to our books, we have consolidated our experiences and learning into digestible pieces. You’ll find art, educational discussions, and music to enjoy, which represents the contentment we have when pursuing our goal of helping, a goal we wish for everyone. Spend sometimes at and let us know what you think.   

If, after visiting us, you have any questions or comments, we’d like it if you’d leave us a
message on the Kid-Epics Conversation page, which we promise to respond to, hopefully to help. We know, from personal experience, just how difficult a job you have helping in healing a traumatized child. Such is the conditions of this work raising children. Traumatized children are difficult to teach and raise
but the rewards are great when we persist to the end. There are only a few ways to fail, mostly failure comes with giving up.

K.E. @ A.C.E.'s

Here is our poster at the A.C.E.'s Initiative Conference, Spring 2023. We meet so many kind and interesting people there, all of one mind: Healing our children.

K.E. Poster @ A.C.E.'s Initiative

Here is the text from our poster:

Program:  Reversing Childhood Trauma's 

Goal and Objectives:

Goal:  To create a cyber-platform on which we can communicate and disseminate helpful information, supportive of mental health.

Objective 1: To develop and implement a successful campaign for distributing Kid-Epic’s Literature.

Objective 2: 
To develop an interactive blog on which to hold classes and professional
development seminars.

Objective 3:  
To create and publish a workbook that amplifies and extends our project.                            

Please visit our website at:

Kid-Epics Expressions is intended to be a two-way communication hub dedicated to the dissemination of knowledge about healing emotional trauma. This is the
knowledge that its founders gathered from both their professional and personal
lives. They have written two books on healing childhood trauma and taught
students, teachers, administrators, and parents to assist in the process. Barb
and Dave have just finished the website (
where they hope to build a place for healing and encouragement.  
After a lifetime of learning about the effects of Adverse Childhood Events, Dave and Barb Kenney decided to share their hard-earned expertise. Barb and Dave, (trained in Social Worker and School Psychology, respectively), worked careers restoring children and aiding those who care for them. In addition to this, they adopted and raised two foster children, with histories of horrible abuse and neglect. All achievements pale when compared to raising devastated children to a healthy maturity. Children wounded by the world have been given little reason to trust it, so there are no guarantees.